These candles are super hard to find! I had some at the beginning of last year, and then they totally disappeared. This pyramid candle is huge and will last you approximately 9 to 10 days. This is a pyramid candle with seven different colors. It is a candle For seven wishes.
Yellow for good luck, happiness, and prosperity.
Red for love and romance
Blue for good health
White for purity and peace
Orange for happiness and joy
Purple for wisdom and power
Write your seven wishes on a piece of brown paper bag in pencil. Make sure that the paper fits under the candle so that the candle is covering the entire piece of paper where you have written your wishes. Place that paper facing up under the candle. I would burn this candle on top of a bowl or dish. Put a few dropper falls of any of our prosperity oil on top of the candle and light, that baby up - pray and manifest!.
Do not keep your candle lit if you are stepping outside of your home or if you are going to bed. Please make sure to light this candle away from curtains or drapes or anything that can catch on fire.