This ritual will take place on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.
Join us on June 4th for our Cazimi prayer service and ritual.
We have a Cazimi on Tuesday, June 4th! A Cazimi is a very strong and opportunistic astrological event! Its amazing for good luck, prosperity and new opportunities.
A Cazimi is a super powerful alignment. When a planet is so close to the sun, the planet's qualities are believed to be purified, strengthened, and illuminated.
The proximity to the sun enhances the planet's energy, making it a very favorable time to attract good luck, prosperity, and new opportunities. The planet gains star power during this time.
This is an amazing time to manifest. We will pray and manifest for you! We will mention each person by name. This ritual and prayer service will take approximately two hours. This is a rare astrological event that does not happen very often. Take advantage of it!
Armando and I will perform this ritual. I will post video, pictures and more information on our Instagram page.