GTFO Powder

GTFO Powder

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$16.05 USD
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$16.05 USD
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GTFO Powder

GTFO! Is a super-strong powder that will help with banishing haters, toxic people, energy vampires or those who wish you harm.

Write their full name in pencil on a brown paper bag (papel de cartucho). You can put one name or you can put numerous names on the same piece of paper.  Put the name or names facing up on a white plate, and cover it with the GTFO powder. This powder is HOT & POTENT! Make sure to avoid contact with your face and surroundings. Please make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after using this Powder. 

Once these haters have left you alone, you can dispose of the paper with the names and the GTFO that is covering the piece of paper.  You can throw it out in any garbage can. 

This powder is super potent so after handling it, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water. Do not touch your eyes or your mouth.

Please email customer service with any questions you may have regarding this product, detailed info or instructions on how to use this product.