Holy Oil is used to bless, sanctify and protect.Originally, Holy Oil was used exclusively for priests and kings. Anointing with oil is a biblical practice that has been carried out for centuries. It symbolizes God's power, presence, healing and protection.
Use this oil on religious statues. Make a sign of the cross with this oil on your front door for protection. Make a sign of the cross under your front door doormat for protection. Anoint your windows with this oil. Anoint your steering wheel with this oil. If you are sick or if you have a sick friend or relative, you can also anoint them with this oil. Anoint a rosary with the soil and carry it with you in your purse.
Annoint your forehead (your children, loved ones and pets) with this oil as it symbolizes God's divine favor and blessing. As you are using this oil, make sure to say, an our father prayer. You can also say your daily prayers while using this oil asking for God’s protection and blessing.