Is someone working you with negative spells, black magic, witchcraft or brujeria? Is someone always sending you bad vibes, evil eye and wishing you harm? Do you have their full name? BINGO!
This oil is not to harm anyone. This oil is to protect yourself and send back to them what they wish for you. This oil is also for that person to leave you alone.
Get a mirror. I have some in my shop.
Sage the mirror.
Put the mirror on your altar or table.
Write in pencil on a piece of brown paper bag or on a picture (it can be a copy of someone’s picture ), the person’s full name. Write that you return to them everything that they wish upon you. You can be as detailed as you want. If you are doing this with someone’s picture, write the full name on the picture and then put the picture face down on top of the mirror.
Put a few drops of this oil on the piece of paper.
Place the piece of paper face down on the mirror.
Next to the mirror and the piece of paper you can put our Return to Sender Candle. You can also get a white candle and forth a few drops of this oil on top of the candle.
After seven days. Throw the paper out. Wash the mirror to clear out whatever oil residue might be on the mirror and repeat the entire process again. You continue to do this until this person bothers you no more.
if you have our return to sender candle, you can also add a few drops of this oil on that candle.
Please email customer service with any questions you may have regarding this product, detailed info or instructions on how to use this product.
You may also DM Gypsy directly on Instagram. Thank you!